Welcome to Varnum Street and thank you for your interest in the Washington Jesuit Academy!

It’s important for us to get to know your family and your son as you consider becoming a part of the WJA Brotherhood. We want to learn about your child’s talents and interests — the things that he’s really excited about — so we can get a sense for how he will grow from and contribute to the WJA experience and community.



Welcome to the WJA Admissions page!

The WJA Admissions Committee sincerely appreciates your interest in our school and looks forward to working with you throughout our admissions process. WJA is a private, independent, Catholic School (grades 4-8) for young men. We are sponsored by the Society of Jesus ("Jesuits") and governed by an independent Board of Directors. WJA does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, or ethnic origin. WJA is academically rigorous and has an extended-day, extended-year schedule where students attend school from 11 hours a day (7:45am-6:15pm; slightly modified for grades 4 and 5) for 11 months a year, while maintaining a high standard for conduct. 

Full involvement of parents and guardians is fully necessary for students to be successful.


Please visit the "About WJA" tab on our website, which provides more information about our school, mission, and philosophy. If you have any questions about our admissions process, please contact our team at or (240) 733-6078. 

Washington Jesuit Academy is currently accepting applications for grades 4- 7 for the 2025-26 school year. You may apply here and a member of our team will contact you regarding next steps which would include: 

(1) submitting financial documentation if not already provided (i.e. 1040/W2s, SNAP, TANF, etc. if  applicable)

(2) providing grades/transcripts

(3) forwarding a provided link for our recommendation form for 2 teachers, principals, or counselors to complete 

Rolling Admissions (March 4- until filled) 

*We highly encourage interested families to apply as soon as possible for the best chance in admissions. We have limited seats each year. 


Aaron Perry, Director of Admissions

240.733.6078 (mobile)

202.832.7679 (school)

@WashingtonJesuitAcademy (Facebook)

@washingtonjesuit (Instagram)

Estimados estudiantes y familias interesadas:


El Comité de Admisiones de WJA agradece sinceramente su interés en nuestra escuela, Washington Jesuit Academy, para el año escolar 2025-26, y espera trabajar con usted en todo nuestro proceso de admisión. WJA es una escuela secundaria católica, privada, e independiente (grados 4-8) para jóvenes patrocinada por la Compañía de Jesús (“Jesuitas”) y gobernada por una Junta Directiva independiente. WJA no discrimina por motivos de raza, color, nacionalidad, o origen étnico. WJA es una escuela académicamente riguroso con un horario de día extendido y año extendido en el que los estudiantes atienden a la escuela de 7:45 AM a 6:15 PM (horario ajustado para estudiantes de 4º y 5º grado), 11 meses del año, con un código de conducta riguroso. 

La participación completa de los padres y tutores es absolutamente necesaria para que los estudiantes tengan éxito.

Puede obtener más información sobre WJA en la sección “About WJA” en nuestra página web que proporciona más información sobre nuestra escuela, misión, y filosofía. Si tiene alguna pregunta sobre nuestro proceso de admisión, comuníquese con nuestro equipo de admisiones en o 240-733-6078.

WJA está aceptando actualmente para el año escolar 2025-26 para 4o- 7o grado. Puede aplicar aqui y un miembro de nuestro equipo estará en contacto con usted con los próximos pasos en el proceso de solicitud, incluida:

(1) entregar su documentación financiera (si aún no se proporcionó; es decir: 1040/W2s, SNAP, TANF, etc., si corresponde)

(2) transcripciones/notas

(3) enviar un enlace para nuestro formulario de recomendación para que lo completen 2 maestros, directores o consejeros

Todas las aplicaciones serán revisadas y procesadas por el Comité de Admisiones de WJA de forma "continua” (es decir, "rolling admissions").

Nuevamente apreciamos sinceramente su interés en WJA.


Aaron Perry , Director de Admisiones

240.733.6078 (mobile)

202.832.7679 (school)

@WashingtonJesuitAcademy (Facebook)

@washingtonjesuit (Instagram)


  • Where is Washington Jesuit Academy located? Is it easy to get to?

    Washington Jesuit Academy is located in NE Washington at 900 Varnum St. N.E., next to Providence Hospital. Public transportation is quite good: the Route 80 bus stops just one block away. The nearest Metro station is Brookland/CUA on the Red line.

  • What does “extended-day, extended-year” mean?

    Our school day starts with breakfast before classes begin, includes a full set of courses, plus sports and other extracurricular activities in the afternoon and mandatory supervised homework sessions in the evening – a day that extends from about 7:20 a.m. until 6:20 p.m.. Our school week includes enrichment activities, field trips, clubs, and service projects. In addition, our school year extends into the summer with required participation in a 5-week Summer Enrichment Program that provides academic, recreational, and cultural activities.

  • Will the teachers be qualified?

    Experienced, well-prepared, and skilled teachers provide most of the instruction in the core academic courses. Our full-time staff of professional teachers are assisted by volunteers who work in instructional and administrative support. Our teachers are not only well-qualified in the teaching profession, but they are also fully committed to our rigorous and supportive program.

  • Is the Academy a Catholic school?

    The Academy is sponsored by the Jesuits, a Catholic religious order with a long and successful history in education. (Locally, the Jesuits sponsor Georgetown University, Georgetown Prep and Gonzaga High School.) While the Academy will offer classes from a Catholic perspective and provide worship opportunities in keeping with the Catholic tradition, we do not require that our students be Catholic. The educational approach is respectful of the religious faiths.

  • How big will the school and the classes be?

    At full enrollment in the 2020-2021 school year, the Washington Jesuit Academy will have just over 115 students throughout the school. There will be full classes of the 5th through 8th grades, each with a maximum of 30 students split into two sections of up to 15 students. There will also be a single cohort of 4th graders.

  • What kinds of classes will be available?

    The goal of the WJA is to prepare students to be very successful at the high schools of their choice in order to continue on and excel in college. Therefore, our classes are academically rigorous and demanding with a strong focus on the core subjects of reading, language arts, science, math, and social studies. In addition, supplemental courses are offered in art, finance, physical education, health, technology, study skills, etc. We set very high standards for our students, but we provide a great deal of time and assistance in order to achieve these goals.

  • Will the Academy have sports and extracurriculars?

    Although the Washington Jesuit Academy is a relatively small school, we have a variety of sports and other activities in which our students participate. In fact, all Academy students will participate in sports and/or organized extracurricular activity as part of their regular school experience. WJA has competitive soccer, basketball, baseball, and track and field teams. Clubs include newspaper, cooking, gardening, art, STEM, Geography Bee, and debate, among others.

  • How much will it cost?

    All students selected for the Academy receive full tuition support; families are asked to provide $30 each month, or $300 for the whole school year, to support student activities and our Home and School Association (H.S.A). Parents or guardians will be expected to contribute their time and talents in support of the Academy’s programs as well through mandatory volunteer hours.

  • Will the Academy provide meals for the students?

    Breakfast, lunch and dinner will be provided on a daily basis.

  • Do the students wear uniforms?

    Academy students wear shirts, jackets, sweaters, and sweatshirts as provided by the Academy. Students provide their own trousers that must be twill or khaki material; they may be tan, dark blue, gray or black. Jeans and denim are not permitted. Students must also wear “school shoes” in the building (sneakers can be worn to school but students must change into appropriate shoes once on campus).

  • Will the discipline at the Academy be strict?

    The faculty and staff at the WJA are not only qualified but are also caring and supportive people. In keeping with our mission to maintain the highest standards of learning and conduct, our students are expected to exhibit excellence in appearance, behavior, enthusiasm, and cooperation.

  • What students will be accepted to the Academy?

    WJA has the specific mission to serve students from underserved communities. Students at the Academy will be young men whose families meet approximately the same guidelines as the qualifications of the National School Lunch Program. For this reason, the Academy reviews a family’s income information to see that the family qualifies. Academically capable students with very strong motivation, good attitude, and with strong family support will be successful at the school.

  • How do I apply for WJA?

    Parents or guardians of prospective students should fill out an application from the Apply Now section of the website. In addition to completing the standard informational forms, parents will be asked to provide financial information so that the Admissions Committee can ensure that all students meet the financial qualifications. Prospective students will also be required to participate in a Saturday Admissions Session, as described in the application.

    WJA accepts applications for 4th through 7th grades. Final selection of the new 4th through 7th grade classes will be made after the end of the Saturday Admissions Sessions and candidates will be notified on a rolling basis. We will maintain a waiting list and go to that list should space become available during the school year.

Apply Now

Non-Discrimination Policy: The Washington Jesuit Academy admits students of any race, color, and ethnic origin to all the rights, privileges, programs, and activities generally accorded or made available to students at the school. It does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, religion, national and ethnic origin in administration of its educational policies, admissions policies, scholarship and loan programs, and athletic and other school-administered programs.

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